Top 10 Tips for Overcoming Travel Sickness

Top 10 Tips for Overcoming Travel Sickness
Xander Kingsley / Jun, 3 2023 / Travel Health and Wellness

Understanding Travel Sickness

Travel sickness, also known as motion sickness, is a common issue that many people face while traveling. It can occur in various modes of transportation, such as cars, buses, boats, and airplanes. The primary cause of travel sickness is the conflict between what our eyes see and what our inner ears perceive. This dissonance can lead to symptoms like nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. In this article, we will discuss the top 10 tips for overcoming travel sickness so that you can enjoy your journey without any discomfort.

Choose the Right Seat

The first tip to overcome travel sickness is to choose the right seat in your mode of transportation. Picking a seat that offers a smoother ride can help reduce the symptoms of motion sickness. For example, in airplanes, the seats located over the wings tend to experience less turbulence. Similarly, in buses or cars, sitting in the front can help you feel better. Additionally, sitting in the middle of a boat or ship can help reduce the rocking motion, thus minimizing the chances of motion sickness.

Focus on the Horizon

One effective method to combat travel sickness is to focus your eyes on the horizon or a fixed point in the distance. By doing so, you can help your brain to synchronize the visual and vestibular signals, reducing the feeling of nausea. Avoid looking at moving objects, such as passing cars or trees, as they can exacerbate the symptoms of motion sickness. Furthermore, if you're on a ship, try to stay on the deck and gaze at the horizon, as it can help you maintain your balance and avoid motion sickness.

Minimize Head Movement

Another essential tip to prevent travel sickness is to minimize your head movement. Excessive head movement can confuse your inner ear and cause motion sickness symptoms. Try to keep your head still and supported, using a neck pillow or headrest if available. Additionally, avoid activities that involve constant head movements, such as reading or playing games on your phone. Instead, listen to music or an audiobook to keep yourself entertained without causing motion sickness.

Stay Hydrated and Eat Light

Staying hydrated and eating light meals before and during your journey can significantly impact your susceptibility to motion sickness. Drinking plenty of water helps maintain your body's balance, while avoiding heavy, greasy, or spicy meals can prevent nausea. It's also a good idea to keep some snacks handy, such as crackers or dry toast, as they can help settle your stomach if you start to feel nauseous. Remember to avoid alcohol and caffeine, as they can dehydrate you and make your motion sickness worse.

Use Ginger and Aromatherapy

Natural remedies like ginger and aromatherapy have been proven effective in combating travel sickness. Ginger has been used for centuries to treat nausea and vomiting, and taking ginger supplements, ginger ale, or ginger candies before your journey can help minimize motion sickness symptoms. Aromatherapy, specifically the use of peppermint and lavender essential oils, can also help alleviate nausea. You can apply a few drops of these oils to a tissue or cotton ball and inhale the scent to help calm your stomach.

Try Over-the-Counter Medications

If natural remedies aren't enough to keep your motion sickness at bay, you can opt for over-the-counter medications. Some common options include antihistamines like Dramamine and Bonine, which can help prevent and treat the symptoms of motion sickness. However, it's important to remember that these medications can cause drowsiness, so it's crucial to follow the recommended dosage and avoid driving or operating heavy machinery while taking them. It's always a good idea to consult with your doctor before starting any new medications, especially if you're pregnant or have any pre-existing medical conditions.